Issue 02/2024 | Building an Integrated European Battery Ecosystem


Welcome battery enthusiasts!

The landscape of the global battery market is currently undergoing a period of upheaval in which Europe - against all odds - is making great efforts to establish itself as a major player. The European battery ecosystem has been identified as critical to the region's industrial policy strategy and its transition to a low-carbon economy.

In recent years, the European Commission, the European Investment Bank, Member States and industry stakeholders have joined forces to strengthen European competitiveness. The aim of this initiative is to create a vital, sustainable and innovative battery ecosystem in Europe. The alliance has been a catalyst for the emergence of an EU ecosystem comprising over 260 industry and innovation players covering the entire battery value chain.

Despite this progress, challenges remain. The European battery market is still in its early stages compared to the Asian markets, which dominate with a share of 85%. To close this gap, Europe is focussing on building a battery industry that is not only competitive but also complies with sustainability and ethical production standards.

Looking to the future, the IPCEI's role in the battery industry is not just about meeting immediate requirements. It is about setting a precedent for innovation, sustainability and collaboration that will shape the future of energy storage and mobility. The continued expansion of the European battery ecosystem, the strategic focus on sustainability and the collaborative spirit of the IPCEI are paving the way for a brighter, greener future.

So there is still a lot to do, and above all it is about joining forces and acting together today and tomorrow to overcome hurdles. The path is pointing towards a robust and sustainable battery industry that will play a central role in Europe's economic and environmental future. The journey is well underway and Europe is leading the it with determination and ingenuity.

Enjoy our colourful bouquet of information and let's stay together in the second half of the year and beyond.

Uwe Seidel and Stefan Wolf
Programme Management IPCEI Battery, VDI/VDE-IT

Market Update: Battery Cell Production in Europe - Status Quo and Outlook

With 14 million electric vehicles sold and 706 GWh of battery energy installed, the global electric vehicle industry and the associated battery market grew by 35% and 44%, respectively in 2023. A growth of 20% is projected for 2024, although the growth rate in Europe could slow down in particular. The cell production sites in Europe now have a nominal production capacity of approximately 190 GWh/a. In the short to medium term, production capacity could be increased to almost 470 GWh/a. In the long term, around 1,500 GWh/a is possible. To utilize a significant portion of this potential, a corresponding ramp-up in electromobility is necessary.

The market analysis is available for download in the Media & Publications section >>

Battery Insights: Staying ahead in the evolving European battery ecosystem

The European battery ecosystem is a rapidly evolving industry, playing a crucial role in the future of mobility and energy. Twice a year, the team of the Acompanying Research on Battery Cell Production provides Market Updates that offer a comprehensive view of these dynamic developments. On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, the team tracks and analyzes the latest trends and innovations in the battery sector. For this, not only cell production is assessed but also other stages of the value chain, providing an evaluation of the supply situation in Europe.

Find all Market Updates on the IPCEI Batteries website >>

IPCEI Batteries Update: First IPCEI Conference held in Bologna, Italy

We are excited to provide you with a recap of a groundbreaking event that took place in March this year, where for the first time, the two Battery IPCEI programmes jointly presented the state of play at an IPCEI conference in Bologna, Italy. This conference was organized upon the invitation of IPCEI partners Manz Italy and Flash Battery, in partnership with Coesia, and held at MAST foundation with support from the coordinators of the two IPCEI programmes - IPCEI on Batteries and IPCEI European Battery Innovation (EuBatIn). It was also the inaugural participation of the new associated partners in a collaborative IPCEI conference. Furthermore, we were able to integrate new partners from Norway, Portugal, and Slovenia into the IPCEI working groups

Participants also had the opportunity to attend inspiring keynote presentations from BMW, Ducati, and Ferrari, as well as participate in a panel discussion with IPCEI partners and guests from BEPA, Batteries Europe and EBA. Joint workstream meetings were held to identify the common challenges and objectives of the IPCEI workstreams. Additionally, there were site-visits to Ducati and Lamborghini facilities.

As a result, the two IPCEI coordinators have committed to consolidating the outcomes into a "Bologna Document" for submission at the IPCEI General Assembly for approval. The findings will be shared with the EU Commission, member states, and IPCEI partners.

We take pride in the fact that this event has provided an essential platform for exchange and collaboration within the IPCEI community. We extend our gratitude to all participants, among all, this event creator Stefano Saguatti and look forward to future joint projects and initiatives.

The European Batteries R&I Community

A highlight of the IPCEI Conference in Bologna was the discussion between IPCEI partners and guests from the battery ecosystem, including EBA, GBA, BE, and BEPA. The focus was on how to interconnect R&D&I projects with IPCEI's FID projects and how to surpass these needs by leveraging new funding opportunities. 

The joint convention further leveraged cooperation within the European Batteries R&I Community. This dynamic initiative  embodies a concerted effort o consolidate and represent the diverse array of battery-related endeavors  operating at a European scale. By harmonizing research, sharing knowledge, and fostering collaboration,  this community has set its sights on shaping the future of energy storage and propulsion systems. The European Batteries R&I Community serves as a nexus, bridging the efforts of various batteries focused initiatives throughout Europe. These initiatives encompass cutting-edge research, development,  and innovation in the field of enegy storage, striving to address the increasing demand for efficient an sustainable battery technologies. Through strategic partnerships, interdisciplinary cooperation, and  collective brainpower, this community aims to accelerate advancements that contribute to a cleaner,  more resilient energy landscape. 

Initiatives of the European Batteries R&I Community

Qualification & Training: The "National Advisory Board for Vocational Training in Battery Cell Manufacturing and Value Chain"

Between January and December 2023, various projects have been launched in Germany to develop and test useful qualification measures for the battery industry. The aim is to train well-qualified specialists for battery cell production, to support local companies in the growing battery industry and at the same time pave the way for sustainable mobility.

The focus of the German qualification initiative is on "battery competence trios" - qualification networks that bring together scientific institutions, educational institutions and battery innovation clusters. The focus is on the entire "battery ecosystem", bringing together all players involved in the design and development of the value chain. 

Six regionally orientated qualification networks, consisting of a total of 45 partners, will be supported with funding until 2028.These alliances identify training needs within the battery ecosystem and develop vocational training programmes and educational materials.  To support the success of the qualification measures, an advisory board has been set up. 

The advisory board will consult these alliances on vocational qualification criteria, harmonising training programmes at national level and identifying the need for new job profiles. The work of existing qualification initiatives will be taken into account. Representatives from several federal ministries and social partners are members of this advisory board, showing a collaborative effort to advance and accelerate battery training in Germany. This initiative is commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

More information on the German "Battery Competence Trios" can be found on the VDI/VDE-IT website (German) >>

Project ALBATTS - Insights from the ALBATTS Final Conference

ALBATTS stands out as a pioneer in workforce qualification. They began early, creating a blueprint adaptable to national systems. Their commitment extends beyond current battery tech to future technologies. The event's theme, "Quo Vadis battery value chain?", suitably focused not just on project completion and its results but especially on what lies ahead. To cite just three call to actions at national level: promote flexible modular approach, foster collaboration for training labs, and build partnerships between vocational education and higher education institutions.
ALBATTS isn't done; alliances like CaBATT  and ASA continue to form and drive the battery ecosystem forward. Collaborative projects demonstrated cooperation in action.

More information on ALBATTS can be found on the project website >>

International Observation: Fact-finding Mission to Asia

The IPCEI Batteries participated in a fact-finding mission to Japan and South Korea. This mission was organized by Batteries Europe, the European think tank on battery R&I and it took place from 26 February to 8 March 2024. 

Dr. Stefan Wolf had the opportunity to present the IPCEIs to key stakeholders of the Japanese and South Korean battery ecosystems, such as the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry or the Korea Battery Association K-BIA. Furthermore, two battery industry fairs were visited: Battery Japan in Tokyo and Interbattery2024 in Seoul. 

The main objective of this visit was to improve mutual understanding and knowledge transfer for technology development and ongoing R&D activities. 
Discussions focused on topics such as solid-state batteries, battery recycling, battery passport, and innovative battery production. The mission also helped to intensify and facilitate international collaboration. Joint activities are already being planned and will be announced shortly.

More information on international observation activities of the Batteries R&I Community can be found on the Batteries Europe website >>

Batteries Europe: Overview of International R&D&I Battery Funding and Global Benchmarks for Battery KPIs


The global balance of power in the international battery industry and R&D&I community has seen a considerable shift since the first commercialisation and industrial deployment of lithium-based batteries. 

To illustrate the main activities in building international battery innovation systems, Batteries Europe has published a new report, which compares and benchmarks the European position in this respect. It analyses R&D&I strategies and KPIs on a country-by-country basis, providing country factsheets and an extended text on battery KPIs with country specific information in each chapter.

The report provides a global overview of battery R&D&I funding and an international benchmark on key performance indicators. It will be followed by a final “Report on International Activities and R&D&I Funding” in December 2024, which will additionally take into account the main takeaways of the two fact-finding missions to Asia and to North America and include further recommendations for the European Commission.

The report is available on the Batteries Europe website (PDF) >>

Battery Innovation Days 2024: Save the Date & Sponsorship Opportunites

After three successful editions, the Battery Innovation Days (BID) are back! Today’s key European Research & Innovation initiatives (Batteries Europe, Battery 2030+ and the Batteries European Partnership Association, in partnership with the Batteries 1st and 2nd IPCEIs), are co-organising a unique event at the Barcelo Sants Hotel in Barcelona, Spain, on 26-27 November 2024.

Join us for two days of captivating dialogue among the research community, policymakers, industry players and end-users to boost battery research and innovation in Europe. BID aims to increase knowledge and encourage exchange around the deployment of cutting-edge technologies in battery materials, cell design, manufacturing and recycling. 

As in the past events, the Battery Young Researcher Award honours academic excellence and scientific advancements in battery research and recognises PhD students scientific advancements in the field. The award is organised within the framework of the Battery Innovation Days on 26 & 27 November 2024 in Barcelona, Spain, where the winner will be invited to present their thesis. The deadline for submissions is set on 1 July 2024 >>

Save the Date: 5th Future Battery Forum 2024

Save the date for this years' Future Battery Forum, taking place November 5th and 6th, 2024 in Berlin, Germany. The event will once again bring together decision makers of the entire battery value system with the common goal to build up an innovative, resilient and sustainable European battery industry together and foster the European battery community.

Next to an insightful conference programme on the main stage, including a panel discussion on challenges, opportunities and strategies for growing a sustainable, competitive and resilient battery ecosystem in Europe with Michael Kellner, Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, please take special note of the Deep Dive Session organized by the Accompanying Research team for Battery Cell Production: Financing and funding: IPCEIs influence on the european economy.

More information is available on the event website >>

Events, conferences & networking

Below, you can find a brief overview of upcoming events and conferences related to the topic of batteries. If you are organising a battery-related conference or other event that you would like to have included in this list of our next quarterly newsletter, please click here to send us an e-mail.

27 June 2024

Battery Live Talk | Battery Cell Formats: Current Status and Future Directions
08-10 August 2024

WBE World Battery Industry Expo
Guangzhou, China
25-27 September 2024

K-Battery Show
Goyang (Seoul), Korea
29 September - 01 October 2024

Automotive Battery Tech Summit
Berlin, Deutschland
16-18 October 2024

Batteries Event
Lyon, Frankreich
05-06 November 2024

Future Battery Forum
Berlin & Online
05-07 November 2024

Battery Experts Forum
Darmstadt, Deutschland
26-27 November 2024

Battery Innovation Days 2024
Barcelona & Online
27-29 November 2024

International Battery Production Conference
Braunschweig, Deutschland

Legal Notice / Acknowledgements / Subscription


VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH (VDI/VDE-IT) has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) to act as the project management agency and to provide scientific support for the Europe-wide "IPCEI battery cell production" project.

Together with its partners from TÜV Rheinland Consulting and Technical University of Berlin the accompanying research team provides analytics, dissemination and networking activities for the German IPCEI projects.

VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH
Department Mobility, Energy and Future Technologies
Steinplatz 1
10623 Berlin

Registergericht: Amtsgericht
Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 99568
Geschäftsführer: Peter Dortans, Dr. Werner Wilke
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Dr.-Ing. Jens Reichel

Image credits
Symbols: AdobeStock / davooda, presentationload
Photos: Skeleton Technologies, Battery Innovation Days, VDMA