Market analysis - Competition is good for business

Both electric vehicle as well as battery sales continue to grow in 2023 in the double-digit percentage range, and especially Europe and the US show…

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IPCEI EuBatIn welcomes four Associated Partners

We are delighted to announce that four new Associated Partners are now participating in the IPCEI European Battery Innovation (EuBatIn).

During the…

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Battery Insights: Education and training in the field of battery cell production

Overcoming challenges and establishing qualification offers for students and blue-collar workers for battery cell production, Professor Dr.-Ing. Franz…

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Portugal: On the IPCEI EuBatIn Pathway

In every issue of European Battery Innovation Quarterly, the IPCEI news section contains briefs on the IPCEI European Battery Innovation member…

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The IPCEI EuBatIn now offers opportunities for associated partners to join

During this year's General Assembly of the IPCEI EuBatIn, the decision was made to implement a new, expanded partner structure. Going forward,…

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