Registration is now open: Battery Innovation Days 2023

14-15 November 2023 | Bordeaux, France & online

After two successful editions, the Battery Innovation Days (BID) is back. Today’s key European…

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Austria: IPCEI projects and accompanying measures

Six companies from Austria participate in the IPCEI EuBatIn: AVL, Borealis, Miba, Miba Battery Systems, Rosendahl Nextrom and Varta Micro Innovation.

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Regional strength - a success factor of European Battery Cell Production

How can a successful and sustainable development of a battery industry in Europe succeed? What role do regional value-added structures play in this…

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It's a Match: Connecting the Battery Industry and Machinery & Equipment Suppliers

For an overview of the members of VDMA Battery Production and their respective expertise in battery production equipment, the online format VDMA…

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Germany: IPCEI projects and accompanying measures

“We want to secure a successful climate transformation – and we want to remain an industrialised nation at the same time.”

That is the principle of…

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